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Graphic Pattern full swatch
Graphic Pattern cropped swatch
Graphic Pattern full swatch
Graphic Pattern cropped swatch
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Scale A Inverse

The island geometry of Tiki comes in inverse or standard styles, and varying scales, for color application to Pressed Glass or Varia.
Inverses & Scales / Scale A Inverse

This playful pattern can be pushed so much further into your own unique expression with pattern style, scale, color, opacity, and more.

In the picture

Tiki Color

Material  |  Pressed Glass
Color  |  Jicama N19, Zeppelin N38
Scale  |  B, Inverse D

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Graphically Subtle


Looking to achieve a more reserved look for your space? Available in Monolythic Glass our Graphic Patterns + Etch uses micro-sandblast etching for a subtle aesthetic.
Tiki Etch

To Realize Your Vision


Parallel Attraction

We started with the thought that there are few things more pleasing than a well-executed contour. This collection pushes that idea across the finish line.

Discover Linear